China and the United States met this week, Nigeria's big port burst into disaster, India also engaged in anti-dumping against China, and other foreign trade events | this week

China and the United States will hold high-level talks in Alaska From March 18 to 19, China and the United States will hold a high-level meeting in Anchorage, Alaska. Din rail terminal blocks, wire to board connector and reflective hanger should be noted. United States Full implementation of import core information data collection effective 15 March On March 15,2021, the USDA Animal and Plant Health Inspection Bureau (APHIS) issued a notice announcing the full implementation of APHIS core information data collection in the automated business environment system (ACE) since March 15,2021. Importers must submit regulated import product data (e.g. imported plants, plant products, animal products and live dogs), otherwise the product will be banned from entry. APHIS controlled products involve 2,194 us commodity tax numbers. APHIS official website notification address: Lebanon The currency has fallen sharply, shops have closed and supermarkets are scrambling On March 16, local time, the Lebanese currency, the Lebanese pound, the black market exchange rate between the Lebanese pound and the dollar was 15000 to 1, a record low. It is understood that the Lebanese pound has depreciated almost daily in the past two weeks, which has also led to a sharp rise in local prices and a serious impact on the lives of the population. In just 18 months, the Li pound depreciated by nearly 90 per cent in the informal market. Meanwhile, per capita income in Lebanon has fallen sharply, from $8000 in 2018 to $2500 in 2020, a 69 percent decline. Lebanon is short of resources, food, medicine and fuel are mainly imported, and the sharp depreciation of its currency has led to a sharp rise in prices. According to Lebanese media reports, some local supermarkets have recently snapped up. Lebanon's finance minister, vazni, said on March 16 that the country's foreign exchange reserves have fallen from $30 billion a year ago to 16 billion, of which only $1 billion to $1.5 billion can be used to subsidize imports of goods such as fuel, but this can only last for two to three months. Please pay attention to the market risk! Norway Prohibition of disposable plastic products since July local time march 11, Norway radio and television reported that from July 3, 2021, Norway will prohibit the use of plastic straws, tableware and other disposable plastic products. But the ban does not apply to medical equipment. Argentina Import controls affect domestic industries The negative impact of the Argentine government's import controls is even greater than the devaluation of the currency, which has hit industries, from construction to automobile manufacturing and other industries. Argentina's inflation rate is much higher than the official dollar's rise, which is now about 2.6 percent a month, or even slowing. However, according to the Argentine National Bureau of Statistics (INDEC)," household equipment and maintenance "rose 4.6 percent in February 2021,1 percent higher than the average inflation rate. Argentina's National Association of Industry (UIA) said that in the wake of the recovery of manufacturing, many industries were suffering from parts shortages caused by import controls, leading to manufacturing problems. UIA noted that the industries affected included cars and their parts, tires and food. In addition, the lack of stock and the shortage of supply have led to the loss of foreign markets and the closure of logistics centre by a number of companies, and even some have complained to the Government about the failure to obtain import permits, but it is likely that this problem will not improve in the future, as Argentina does not have sufficient foreign exchange to meet the needs of importers. Argentina to initiate production cooperation with China Argentina's Ministry of production Development held a ceremony in Buenos Aires on March 12 to encourage Argentine enterprises to expand the Chinese market. Argentina's production cooperation plan with China is a special plan formulated by Argentina to promote bilateral economic and trade cooperation. It mainly includes six aspects: bilateral cooperation, small and medium-sized enterprises' export plan to China, knowledge economy and trade in services, private sector dialogue, market research, and supporting services for productive investment. Brazil Preliminary Anti-dumping Determination of Chinese Socks 12 March 2021, The Foreign Trade Secretariat of Brazil issued Proclamation No .19 of 2021 in the Official Gazette of the Federation, stating that, A preliminary anti-dumping judgment on socks originating in China and Hong Kong, China (Portuguese: Meias), Deciding that the dumping margin Zhejiang Lifu Textile Co.,Ltd. Chinese enterprises is 99.6%, that of other Chinese enterprises is 245.5%, and that of Hong Kong Chinese enterprises is 923.0% respectively, However, it is not recommended that provisional anti-dumping duties be imposed on products involving China and Hong Kong; Make a negative preliminary cut on socks originating in Paraguay. The survey products do not include animal (dog) socks. This case involves all 24 sub-items under MERCOSUR tax No .6115 and all 4 sub-items under 6111. Industry The strong demand for rubber gloves will last until next year Margma president of the Malaysian Rubber Glove Manufacturers Association (Malaysia) said Monday (March 15) that the country was in a state of oversold 160 billion gloves and demand would remain strong until the second quarter of 2022. Global demand for rubber gloves is still high, with an average of 13318 gloves per second, and global supply is expected to continue to climb to 420 billion this year, with Malaysia producing 280 billion gloves, 67 percent of global production, Thailand 18 percent, China 10 percent and Indonesia 3 percent. In response to china's claim that it could replace the state of ma as the largest producer of rubber gloves in the next five years, Mr. Subamamam said :" the state of ma has an advantage in this area, at least seven or eight years ahead in product quality and research and development, as manufacturers have used 30 to 35 years to sell, market and build good relationships with customers ." Data show that the main export of rubber gloves in Malaysia last year was the United States, with exports of 11.89 billion ringgit, while the rest were Germany (2.25 billion ringgit), Britain (2.13 billion ringgit), Japan (2.02 billion ringgit) and China (1.57 billion ringgit).