Important! From January 1st, 2021, the super implementation of the new foreign trade regulations finishing!

China's Adjustment of Import Tariffs for Some Commodities       On the afternoon of December 23, the Customs and Excise Committee of the State Council issued a notice on such adjustment schemes as the provisional import tax rate for 2021, which will adjust the MFN tax rate, the agreed tax rate and the provisional tax rate for some imported goods in 2021. Since January 1, 2021, import tariffs on some commodities have been adjusted; the prices of some anti-cancer drugs, medical equipment and infant milk powder have fallen, and some imported equipment and parts related to the development of new infrastructure and high-tech industries will be more fully guaranteed. Board To Board Connectors, Electric Terminal Blocks and Reflex Electroforming Field should be noted.  This tariff adjustment is a strong adjustment in recent years, not only involving tax rate adjustment, but also involving a few years of tax adjustment, so it is quite interesting. The total number of adjusted tax items reached 8580, an increase of 31 over 2020. 02 General Administration of Customs promotes "two-stage access"  December 22, 2020, the single window issued a notice, since December 22, 2020, the General Administration of Customs to promote the "two-stage access" information supervision.  Among them ," first paragraph access "means that before the import goods are removed from the customs control area of the port, the customs carries out port inspection of the goods with quarantine and inspection requirements to determine" whether the goods are allowed to enter the country ";" second paragraph access "means that after the import goods are removed from the customs control area of the port, the customs carries out a destination inspection of the goods with inspection requirements to determine" whether the goods are allowed to enter the domestic market for sale or use ".  Enterprises only need to "single window" declaration link, in advance in the "transfer inspection "," conditional removal" or "port and destination combined inspection" three application options, the above "two access" electronic application, together with the declaration data submitted, not in line with the requirements, will pop-up window to prompt.  For goods that do not have inspection conditions in the port supervision area, the enterprise may withdraw to the designated place for application and carry out "transfer inspection ";  For goods that need to be sampled for inspection or quarantine purposes, those that meet the requirements do not need to wait for the results of inspection, after sampling can be "conditional removal ";  For both quarantine or inspection and other port inspection requirements, but also inspection and other destination inspection requirements of goods, at the port of entry can be "combined inspection ".  If you encounter problems in the use of the system, please call the "single window" national unified service hotline 95198. 03 Declaration Requirements for New Imports of Hazardous Chemicals  24 December 2020, The single window issues notifications regulating the declaration of imports of hazardous chemicals, From 10 January 2021, HS products that code hazardous chemicals must be checked in the "cargo properties" column "bulk hazardous chemicals "," packed hazardous chemicals" and "non-hazardous chemicals" before they can continue to be declared. At the same time, the "dangerous goods information" column to fill in the provisions. Entry into force of amendments to standards of origin for some commodities under 04CEPA  According to the announcement issued by the General Administration of Customs on December 24,2020: to promote economic and trade exchanges between the mainland and Macao, In accordance with the relevant provisions of the Agreement on Trade in Goods concerning Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement between the Mainland and Macao, The standards of origin of some commodities in Annex 213 of the General Administration of Customs Notice 2018 have been revised, See the annex to the announcement for details. The revised standard shall be implemented as of January 1,2021. 05 China - Mauritius Certificate of Origin  On December 18, the General Administration of Customs issued Proclamation No .128 of 2020, promulgating the measures for the administration of the origin of import and export goods under the free trade agreement between China and Mauritius, which was formally implemented on January 1, 2021.  China-Mao FTA's preferential trade agreement code is "21"; the implementation of the approved exporter system shall be carried out with reference to the relevant provisions of General Administration of Customs Proclamation No .52 of 2014, in which the AA types of production enterprises involved are adjusted to production-type advanced certification enterprises.  As of January 1, 2021, applicants can apply to the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade and its local visa agencies for the issuance of certificates of origin under the China-Mauritius Free Trade Agreement, the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT) CommercialCertificationCenter recently informed. CCPIT accepts the certificate of origin of Mongolia  Recently, the Commercial Certification Center of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT) informed that, as of January 1,2021, applicants may apply to the CCPIT and its local visa-granting agencies for the issuance of certificates of origin under the Asia-Pacific Trade Agreement (APTA) for Mongolia.