Interpretation | cross-border electricity return center warehouse mode know in

September 2021, the General Administration of Customs issued on the comprehensive promotion of cross-border e-commerce retail import return center warehouse mode announcement (70,2021), since September 10,2021, the comprehensive promotion of "cross-border e-commerce retail import return center warehouse mode" (hereinafter referred to as the "return center warehouse mode"). JST XH connector, mini reflectors and quick connect terminal block should be noted. Return goods center warehouse mode Cross-border electricity retail import return center warehouse mode refers to the cross-border electricity retail import mode, cross-border electricity enterprise agents or its entrusted customs special supervision area warehouse enterprises (hereinafter referred to as return center warehouse enterprises) can set up cross-border electricity retail import goods return special storage location, will return goods reception, sorting process in the original customs special supervision area of the customs supervision system. Why should the comprehensive replication and promotion be necessary First, we will implement the relevant notification and requirements of the State Council.In 2020, The State Council issued the Notice of the State Council on the Replication and Promotion of the Sixth Batch of Pilot Free Trade Zone Pilot Reform Experience (No.96,2020), summarizing 37 pilot reform experience, including the return center warehouse mode, and requiring it to be promoted after summary and evaluation. Second, the task arrangement is determined according to the list of key livelihood projects for the masses " practice activities of the Party Committee of the General Administration of Customs.By comprehensively copying and promoting the return center warehouse mode, constantly improve the return process of cross-border e-commerce retail imported goods, help reduce the burden on enterprises, further smooth the "last kilometer" of return goods, and promote the further healthy development of cross-border e-commerce retail import business. As a business of the most concerned about several major issues Scope of application of "cross-border e-commerce return center warehouse mode"? This announcement is applicable to the return of cross-border e-commerce online shopping bonded retail imports (supervision method code 1210) commodities carried out within the customs special supervision area. What is the return center warehouse enterprise qualification requirements? The customs credit warehouse enterprise that applies for the establishment of the return center warehouse and carries out the return management business accordingly shall not be a trust-breaking enterprise. # Return center warehouse mode # Highlight 1: clearer division Announcement No.70 states that the: Return center warehouse enterprises to carry out return business, should be designated special location, equipped with network with customs video monitoring system, using computer storage management system (WMS) in the return center warehouse sorting, goods, such as information management, and according to the way prescribed by the customs and the customs information supervision system network, submit to the relevant data can meet the regulatory requirements, accept the customs supervision. Announcement No.70 put forward clear provisions on the management of the return center warehouse, on the basis of the original bonded warehouse to delimit a special return center warehouse functional area, networked with the customs monitoring, subject to customs supervision. # Return center warehouse mode # Highlight 2: Internal control requirements are more perfect Announcement No.70 states that the: The return center warehouse enterprise shall establish a return process monitoring system, commodity traceability system and relevant management system, ensure that the return goods are the original area goods, truthfully declare to the customs, accept the customs supervision, and bear the corresponding legal responsibilities. Return center warehouse enterprises should pay attention to production safety, do a good job in the risk prevention and control of return goods, improve the management system from the aspects of return collection, bayonet entry area, consumer management, standardize the operation, abide by the regional management system and cooperate with the customs to strengthen the actual supervision of the goods in the return center warehouse. Announcement No.70 has clear requirements for the system management and risk prevention and control of the return center warehouse, to ensure that the operation process in the warehouse is clear and standardized, that the whole process is controllable, and to improve the supervision efficiency of the whole process. Return center warehouse mode # Highlight 3: Improve efficiency and reduce costs Announcement No.70 states that the: After the return center warehouse enterprise completes the sorting of the returned goods in the return center warehouse: For the goods that meet the regulatory requirements of return products, the return to the customs information supervision system according to the current regulations; For the goods that do not meet the regulatory requirements of return, the return center warehouse enterprises will be shipped out of the area for corresponding disposal. The return warehouse originally established outside the region was transferred to the region to sort returned goods in the return center warehouse, on the one hand, reduces the storage management cost and the additional cost brought to the enterprise; on the other hand, the intensive return business of the same return e-commerce enterprises to improve the storage efficiency and the effectiveness of return processing. The practical effect of the return center warehouse mode Return center warehouse mode business flow chart Return center warehouse mode compared with the traditional mode Return of the center warehouse mode of good Reduce the operation link Reduce the express company after transport to outside the return warehouse transportation, loading and unloading and outside sorting, inspection, from sorting, return and residual parts and customs special regulatory area, return package from express company direct return center warehouse, enterprise sorting to return a declaration, an audit, timely shelves. Save operating costs It will directly save e-commerce enterprises the rent, transportation, loading, unloading, sorting and inspection costs of setting up a separate return warehouse outside the area. Shorten return time A same-day audit system will be established, to shorten the processing time of return from 3 working days to 1 working day, and the return goods can enter the circulation link again on the fastest day after arriving at the return center warehouse.