Ningbo many places issue emergency notice! Nucleic acid testing for imported brisket at these supermarkets

This year is a special year for Jguang and world. Virus effect everyone’s life and terminal block and connector field. Just these days, Ningbo city prevention and control office issued the information, has been detected in the province outer package new crown virus nuclear acid positive Brazilian import frozen bone beef brisket (registration number: SIF1811, production batch number : (27/07/2020-31/07/2020) products into our city. city immediately started the emergency plan for the prevention and control of imported cold chain food epidemic situation, quickly organized forces to verify the flow of the products involved, sealed all the 126.2 kg inventory products on the spot, sterilized the environment of the relevant places strictly, and carried out nucleic acid testing for the food involved and the outer packaging, environment, and related contact personnel. Jguang reminder The general public should wear disposable gloves when touching imported cold chain food, and both hands should avoid touching mouth, nose, eye and other parts, and clean and disinfect with hand sanitizer in time. To eat imported cold chain food, it is necessary to thoroughly cook and then eat, do not eat raw cold sea products; at the same time, do a good job of tableware and table cleaning, food processing used in the case of desk, cutting tools, cookers, tableware and other utensils, should pay attention to raw and cooked separate, not mixed, after use to thoroughly clean and disinfect, and keep the relevant environment clean and ventilated. Pay attention to self-defense to ensure food safety. Please do not believe in rumors, do not spread rumors, strictly implementation of "wearing masks, hand hygiene, one meter line" and other personal protection measures. Once appear fever, cough and other symptoms, timely to the designated hospital.