The General Office of the State Council: Accelerate the development of new business forms and new models of foreign trade

People's governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government, ministries, commissions and directly affiliated institutions: terminal block weidmuller, female header pins and usb connector should be noted. New forms of business and models are a natural force for the development of China's foreign trade and an important trend of international trade. Accelerating the development of new forms of business and new models of foreign trade is conducive to promoting high-quality development of trade, cultivating new advantages in international economic cooperation and competition, and plays an important role in building a new development pattern of services. In order to thoroughly implement the decisions and arrangements of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council and promote the healthy and sustainable and innovative development of new forms and models of foreign trade, the following opinions are put forward: I. General requirements (I) Guiding ideology. Xi new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics as the guidance, fully implement the party's 19 big and 19, three, four, five spirit, adhere to the seek improvement in stability, adhere to the general tone of work, based on the new development stage, implement the new development concept, build a new development pattern, to supply side structural reform as the main line, deepen the reform of foreign trade, promote system innovation, management innovation, service innovation, service innovation, innovation, mode innovation, expand foreign trade development space, improve the efficiency of foreign trade operation, ensure smooth industrial chain and supply chain, promote high-quality development. (2) Basic principles. We will continue to encourage innovation. We will give full play to the decisive role of the market in resource allocation, better play the role of the government, and further unleash the vitality of market entities. We will carry out trials, encourage the extensive use of new technologies and tools in foreign trade, promote the transformation and upgrading of traditional forms of business, refine the division of trade, enhance specialization, promote the integration and innovation of business forms, and constantly explore new forms and models of foreign trade. Adhere to inclusiveness and prudence. We will coordinate development and security, and adhere to standardize and standardize development. We will establish a sound policy system to adapt to the development of new business forms and models of foreign trade. We will improve standards and systems for information data, credit system, and intellectual property protection. Determine and reasonably platform responsibilities scientifically. We will strengthen oversight during and after business, continue to improve the business environment, and promote fair competition. We will adhere to openness and cooperation. We will coordinate both domestic and international markets and resources, adhere to the strategy of mutual benefit and win-win opening up, and promote trade and investment liberalization and facilitation. We will strengthen cooperation between departments, local governments, industries, and enterprises, and improve the efficiency of government management and services. We will actively explore the establishment of international rules that adapt to and guide the development of new forms and models of foreign trade, and promote high-level opening-up. (3) Development goals. By 2025, the system, mechanisms and policies for the development of new business forms and models of foreign trade will be more improved, and the business environment will be more optimized, and a number of internationally competitive leading enterprises and industrial clusters will be formed. The level of industrial value chain will be further improved, further enhancing the driving role in foreign trade and the national economy. By 2035, the development level of new foreign trade forms and models will rank at the top of innovative countries, improve laws and regulations, and trade liberalization and facilitation will reach the world's advanced level, provide strong drivers for high-quality trade development and strong support for the basic realization of socialist modernization.