Vigil plans to hold a vigil for the fallen cyclist Adé Hogue at 6pm on Tuesday at Grand and LFT

Update 11/2/21, 8:15 AM: The Jane Addams Park in the northeast corner of Gran Via and Lakeshore will be organized by the Bike Path Uprising at 6 PM today. A ghost bike memorial installation and vigil will be organized for Adé Hogue. Read more about Hogg's life and the memories of friends and colleagues in the new work of Chicago Block Club. Update 11/1/21, 2:15pm: The eyewitness identified below as the "second female witness" is a psychologist in the emergency room of Northwestern Hospital. She said that she was in the northernmost lane of Gran Avenue when the accident happened. Heading west, Streetsblog writes today asking for more information about certain aspects of the incident. This is her news today. I do want to clarify some things because I think family and friends should know the truth. The doctor at the scene [pain specialist in spinal injury] is a friend of mine, and I personally called to help, because I need help stabilizing Ad. He ran over from one block to help. While I was monitoring Ad's pulse, he stabilized his spine until the paramedics arrived. Yes, the light is red. However, Ade did not crash into the oncoming traffic. The road was clear and he continued to cross the road when suddenly a van appeared at full speed and [the driver] hit him when he passed the intersection most of the time. I think this is very important because I have seen comments about his poor judgment when crossing, but it is not the case. I believe that the surveillance cameras will illuminate the family in time. However, I think people [questioning] his judgment is unfair to this person... It's touching to see so many people caring about him, but it's frustrating to see negative comments about him "running a red light" . Once again, when he crossed the road, the road was clear. This is a very traumatic event, and I and many others are working hard to solve this problem. I have been talking to Adelaide, telling him to persevere, I will not leave his side, and he is not alone. People should know that there are still good people out there. Not just me, but everyone who cares about helping. I hope that together we can make a greater impact by especially changing that intersection and [improve] the safety of all cyclists in this city. Update 10/31/21, 11 AM: Half Acre Cycling announced on Twitter at around 8 PM on Saturday that the victim and team member Broderick Adé Hogue had died from his injuries. "We are very sad to inform you that Adé’s time with us is over. Adé embodies our love for cycling, and we know that his presence will be felt for many years to come. Ride on Power Adé." According to the Cook County Forensic Office, Hogg died shortly before 5pm on Friday, October 29. Update 2:30 pm on October 29, 21: The crash victim has been publicly identified as Broderick Adé Hogue, a member of the half-acre cycling team, who is engaged in art direction, design and lettering. (His name is listed in the crash report, but Streetsblog chose not to reveal his identity for privacy reasons.) The GoFundMe page has been launched to help pay for medical and logistics expenses, and it has raised more than 37,600 in just a few hours Dollar. On the GoFundMe page, Hogg’s childhood friend Chris Wyatt wrote that Hogg was still in a comatose intensive care unit. "I know that Ade is loved by many people who want to help...please pray for healing and comfort for him and his family." Broderick Adé Hogue, 32, was riding a bicycle near the north side of the Lakewalk and Navy Pier last night when a driver hit him while heading to the DuSable Lake Shore Drive ramp. His condition is critical and he has brain hemorrhage. According to the Chicago Police Department, at around 8pm on Wednesday, October 27th, Hogg was cycling west on Gran Avenue to the Coastline Highway. Due to a high wall at the bottom of Lake Point Tower in the southeast corner, the visibility of the intersection is poor, which makes it difficult for road users of Grand and Lower DLSD to see each other. The police said that the 47-year-old female driver of the 2020 Honda van was driving north to the lower DLSD to the ramp leading to the driveway when she hit Hogue. According to the crash report, Hogg lived in the 700 block of West Ohio Street in the West Town community. He was taken to Northwest Hospital in critical condition and was treated for cerebral hemorrhage. His bicycle was counted and detained for investigation. According to the accident report, the driver living in the Xiling community was not injured. Due to the damage, her vehicle had to be towed away. Since responding officials did not observe any signs of injury, she did not undergo an on-site sobriety test, and she was not cited. According to the accident report, "a number of witnesses" and the van driver met with responders. They all said that the driver had a green light and Hogg had a red light. Four witnesses were listed in the report, including a 44-year-old woman living near the North River crash site; a 26-year-old man living in the suburbs of her hometown in Illinois; and a 36-year-old woman whose address was not listed ; And a 37-year-old man whose address is not listed. The last two witnesses called the police station around 10:45 in the evening, saying that they were all in the same hail car when they saw the incident, but could not stop to wait for the police, so they called the police station only after they arrived at the scene . Chance. Brendan Kevenides, a local bicycle case lawyer from FK Law (Chicago Street Blog Sponsor), opposed a brief report on the case by the Chicago Sun Times (the Chicago Tribune reported almost the same), which stated that the police said the victim ran a red light. The cyclist was seriously injured after being hit by a van in Streeterville via @SunTimes Maybe the cyclist ran away, maybe he didn’t, but the Sun Times announced him with a 4 sentence "story" It is irresponsible to despise the "Chicago Police". The female witness who contacted the hail car by phone said that she and her fiance returned from the Navy Pier by boat and were behind the truck driver when the accident happened. Although she was looking at the phone at the time and could only see the impact from the corner of her eye, she said the man completely witnessed the impact. (Due to the death of his family member, he was unable to speak.) The male witness told the female witness that northbound traffic was yellow and westbound traffic was red. He said that Hogg, who was riding a bicycle on the sidewalk, was on the crosswalk when he was hit. "This is a very intense strike," the female eyewitness told Streetsblog, adding that Hogg flew in the air. She said the ride-hailing driver screamed and immediately pulled over to help. A doctor nearby also stopped to help. The female eyewitness said that the cyclist was wearing a helmet and his nose was bleeding in a pool of blood on his head, adding that the skin on his knees was severely damaged. The doctor seemed to move Hogg's head gently to relieve the pressure on his neck. Witnesses said that she and the driver knelt nearby, praying for the victims. "[The driver] was heartbroken, crying and shaking back and forth. It was a very intense moment." The female eyewitness said that an ambulance arrived soon, when her ride-hailing driver asked to leave the scene. After several hours of processing, the couple realized that they had not told their story to the authorities, "We want to testify when needed," so they called 311. Another female witness who lived near the crash site told Streetsblog that the description of what happened was somewhat different. She said she was driving westward from Grande on the far right lane, waiting for the red light. Hogg was on her right, but he was on the street, not on the sidewalk. "He seems to be a very experienced cyclist. He wears a helmet with a flashing headlight and reflector." A second female witness said that when the truck driver hit him, Hogg had "about 90%" passed the intersection. "She hit him hard, and this poor fellow flew in the air like a ragdoll, and finally landed on the ramp." The second witness pulled over and blocked the ramp with her car to prevent others. The driver hit the cyclist. "It's hard to tell who is really at fault," said the second witness. "I don't know why she didn't see him. This is a very strange situation." The 26-year-old male witness told Streetsblog that he was driving west on Grand to pick up his wife from get off work. When the incident occurred, he was waiting for a red light in the lane to the left of the second female witness. Like the first female witness, he said that Hogg was on the sidewalk. Like the second witness, he said that the cyclist was wearing a helmet and his headlights flashed, adding that he was wearing a cycling suit and appeared to be riding An expensive bicycle. The male witness also said that when he was hit, Hogg was crossing the intersection most of the time, which seemed clear. "It happened so quickly. The van popped up from nowhere." Note: Streetsblog Chicago’s traffic fatalities represent fatal car accidents on the ground streets of Chicago, based on media reports and/or preliminary data from the Chicago Police Department released by the Chicago Department of Transportation.